Tera Dummitt, student at the Huxley College on the Peninsulas program, walking a beach transect line on Dungeness Spit |
Whoa, three months since my last post...far too long. Things have been too busy. But in the depths of winter I'm remembering summer, and just wrapped up two reports documenting this year's efforts to measure shoreline morphology
at beaches on the Olympic coast and on
the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This is a tiny program, and one that I keep afloat largely by determination and donation, but I continue to believe that these types of data will provide us important perspectives in the future.
Another special part of the program for me is the opportunity it provides to work with students. This year in particular I had great support from the
Huxley College Program on the Peninsulas, as well as the
University of Washington MeSSAGE Program.
Along the way I also put together summaries on patterns or trends I find interesting. A few recent examples are
here and